'Mercurial' and 'Versatile' are perhaps only two of the best words that qualify me.
People don't know a whole lot about me. But all my secrets are embedded in this encrypted code:
*J BN B hPE*
2 15 5 21 9 2 21 10 20
7 2 14 20
Curious minds, don't try too hard to decipher the code.
Um cristao homem que ama futebol, música mais instrução. Um fresco pessoa, mais mim como fresco povo-gap-...Obrigado para vinda cá.
Hasta la vista!-bye-
Registered: 2009/04/05 14:21
Last active: 2012/05/20 15:30
Posts: 2877
Karma: 5
ASL: 21-M-B'hind u