(macho2) In my life,,,i m mOstly attrActive 2wArds thEse 2 wOrds,,,, ........LuCk.....&.....DreAms...... [KHAN] I m alwAys plAying wid thEm....I StrOngly beliEve bOth..... V cNt get Anything widOut oUr LUck nd oUr luck S n haAnds of oUr God ..... Wat i dream....My dream Comes True....... .......... Time changes ,but the time we passed cnt be forgot,still miss the 2wapworld,and well wishes for all my buddies and members who care for true friendship..wanna contact than email me...
Registered: 2008/10/02 18:15
Last active: 2014/01/18 08:37
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