:welcm3:[i]Nothing is personal...hehe.It's a great day and I proud to be a part of the family of[/i] -2wap-[i]Don't make this face[/i] -sadcry-[i]because life is realy meaningful than you can imagine.[/i]-eagle2-[i] Whatever that come to you,don't give up.[/i]-bum2-[i]Hmm...if you don't mind, could you sign[/i] -guest1- [i]I am [/i] (sorry)[i]if I have make any mistaken.[/i](thanxx)[i]for visiting my profile.May god always bless you[/i]-garf-[i]and[/i]:lvbug4:[i]See you next time.[/i](byebye2)
Registered: 2008/08/22 12:44
Last active: 2012/05/20 15:30
Posts: 981
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ASL: 17/male/the third planet from sun.